Fishing Report Oct 2022
The full moon has come and gone this past week with catches of redfish being the main talk of town. Cooling water temperatures from last weeks cool front triggered an already good bite into great! Tournament anglers reported solid catches but it was the weekenders who scored big recently. Limits of redfish were common followed by speckled trout and black drum. Larger drum are steady around the passes but are in shallower waters as well. Jetty fishing continues to produce large bull reds. Sore arms and backs have been the norm these guys gladly boasted.
In the coming week look for continued success with the bite. The bays are more full now with October tides allowing more access to shallower areas. Know your limits concerning all things fishing and you should do well.
If you need a fishing guide let us know and we can recommend top guides in the area.
Hunting Report Oct 2022
Nothing to report here on the duck hunting except to say anticipation is high for a good early duck shoot! Gear prepping is the focus on as you dust off those decoys check your weights and fittings and fill up those holes in your decoys (we know it wasn’t YOU that shot them but your buddy) and tidy up the camo, ammo and firearms. Duck season in a couple weeks can be hot or cold, not surprisingly due to what cool fronts push our way. The past couple years we have been fortunate to have some good blasts of cooler air to bring the birds down to the Middle Coast and to get them flying! Sharing the goosebumps with you right now and fired up to hunt!
If you need a duck hunting guide let us know and we can get you top guide names and numbers.